Microsfot Office 365 All-in-One for Beginners & Power Users

Microsoft Office Suite is the “come to stay” version of Word processor that can be periodically updated without any threat of software crash or unauthorized version. Office 365 has evolved and transformed to stay relevant in today’s business world but despite this, many businesses still use it exclusively for Microsoft Word and Excel only. If you find yourself looking at the other apps and features and wondering what they do, keep reading this guide to Office 365 till the end.
The most commonly used Office 365 apps include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. These applications are essential for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and communicating both internally and externally but these are not all Office 365 entails, other apps like SharePoint, Access, etc. are also included in the Office 365 suite. This user guide has been specially prepared to teach you the in and out of these powerful programs in Office 365 with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Teams and Publisher being the specificity. This is a guide that does not only explain “WHAT” (theoretical application), but also “HOW” (practical application). I am excited because you have just made the right choice.
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